Saturday, December 6, 2008

Why Are You Asking Me?

Aku xtau nak stat cmne. Phew…

Wut will u feel when sumone is talking bout you to the others, and that others will ask you back bout wut’s going on? Wut will be your answer? For me, it’s nothing. Nothing can be the answer. How could I answer sumthin dat not even I know how to answer it? But dat is wut happening to me.

Juz because of dat ‘sumone’ who told everyone about me, I have to face the burden. Can’t that person just leave me alone? That person is well known. Ok, that’s fine. Sume taw yg die tu baek,klakar,pramah. Aku ni cmne plak? If sumthing is happening between us, konon r, aku gaduh ngan die, pastu tetibe lak, manusia yg sorang tu mengalami evolusi paleolitik ke mesolitik yg mnjadikan die tu laen dari diri die yg sblumnye, salah sape? Aku gak ke? Ello, die yg xreti nak control emosi n sikap die, xkn salah aku kot? Pastu nanti, ader r yg ckp, "msti salah bdk pmpuan tu(sudah terang lagi bersuluh mcm torchlight la yg bdk pmpuan tu AKU). Kalo x xkan die jd cmni.." What the heck? Why me? What did I do wrong? Is not being friend with that person is a sin? They only care bout that person. What about me? Don’t you care bout my feelings? Wei, aku pn ada perasaan r!!! Ingat aku x terganggu ke ngan mnde2 cmni?

Once, I asked that person, how many people know bout me? Aku terkejut gle mcm msuk bilik yg pnuh ngan letrik bervoltan tinggi ble die senaraikan ngan spe yg die dh bgtau. More than 10 I guess… I never told anyone bout him except my roommates and one of my mentor-mentee members. Aku cuba nak simpan citer tu coz kalo aku citer kang, burukkan dier lak. Lame gak r aku simpan. But, the time had come and everything was out. That was when I have to face what I’m facing right now. Ada gak member2 yg xtaw lagi pape. Pastu, diorang g tanya aku lak. Cheh, ak br je nak lupe, dtg plak mnde2 yg xsepatutnye. G r tanya manusia sorang tu!!! Die yg stat citer, nape aku lak yg kena jawab? Kurang masin tol r...

For that person, if you’re reading this, just remember my quote. “THANKS FOR EVERYTHING…” Tu pun, kalo dier ingat r...


DiDiY said...
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